
Last light: Part 3

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Literature Text

Chapter 3
Element of air
On next day, all thought, where they can get elements. Verius known where all can found it, but some of them. He said, that element of air is on highest place of Shugazoom. All decided separate robots and who controlled heads and hands goes on one huge mountain in zone of lost years in jungles, where Antari backed to life. There went Antauri, Liana, Vortex, Taifi and Sparx with Gibson.
Road there was not so long, but on way there they met some monsters looks like pterodactyls. Soon they flew to mountain and start fly up. Sparx up magnet and it start sparkle:
- Hey guys, I feel strong magnet activity. It means Verius was right...element here, but with this anomaly can be problems with electronics
Antauri closed eyes:
- I sense it too. Strong energy
- It means we close to it: Liana said
- I think we will fast find this ele-: but Vortex didnt finished
Something strongly shakes his ship and he circling as falling:
- Aaa I lost control over ship!!!
Vortex nervously and fast press all bottoms and pull all levels, but all was pointless. Ship falling, but suddenly someone's claws brake wall of ship and get off ship Vortex:
- Vortex! Vortex!!: screamed Liana in radio
After second all saw fire explode from crush of ship after that was birds's loud scream as had eagle:
- What is that?: Taifi asked
- I don't know: answered Liana
Antauri closed eyes and then fast opened:
- Prepare!
After his words something attacked each ship. All lost control. Taifi pulled levels until wall of her ship was broken by someone's big beak and grabbed Taifi. When she was outside of ship she saw griffon. He was strange. Black as shadow and eyes glowing yellow. He squeeze Taifi in beak and hurt her wing. She screamed but suddenly something  hit griffon's head  and he with scream free Taifi. Taifi started falling and flapped with wings because her wing bleeding. But over ground Antauri catch her:
- Are you alright?: he asked
- Yes...just scratch on wing
Antauri carefully put her on soft and fluffy moss which grow on little glade, where they landed. Gibson and Sparx landed there:
- What was that?: Sparx asked
- Something like griffon: answered Taifi
- Griffon?: asked again Gibson
- Yes
- Griffon or not but it takes Vortex away. We must take him back!: said Liana
- I hope that griffon ate him: evilly smirks Sparx
- Sparx!: slapped his head Liana
- What?!
- Dont even think about that!
- We have another problem. Ships crushed in different places. Gibson, can you fix them?
- If I will find them in this dense fog
- Gibson, find ships, we are will go after Vortex and element. Taifi, stay with Gibson: said Antauri
- But Antauri, I can fly!
- No. First, you hurt wing. Second, your powers of wings here pointless. It will be worst for you....sorry: he rubs her head  
- Alright..:Taifi looked down
- Let's go! While griffons isn't here: said Liana and up in ari, activated jet pack on her back:  
- Good luck...Antauri: said Taifi
Liana, Antauri and Sparx flew in fog so long and looks around. They couldn't back because didnt saw fire from broken ships:
- Fog wasn't here when we started up here: noticed Liana
- Agree: said Sparx
- I still sense griffons: said Antauri
Suddenly they again heard eagle's scream:
- What the-
- Sparx?
Liana looked around and screamed again:
- Sparx!
Antauri draw claws:
-  Liana! Staying back to back!: screamed Antauri
Liana draws claws and stay with Antauri:
- They taken Sparx?
- Yes but we must be care-
Suddenly griffon fly to them. Antauri jumped and screamed:  
- Ghost's bullet!
Antauri shoot something like boomerang to griffon and he disappeared:
- Antauri! Others 5!: screamed Liana
When while, Vortex was in stone cage in one of caves in mountain. After few minutes, griffon toss Sparx in other cage:
- Of you will touch me again chicken, I will rip your wings from spine! : screamed Sparx
- Great, now I'm stuck with magno hands...
- I see, you here too coal...  
- Ah you red-
Griffon squeal on them and they became quiet. Griffon turned and started, like talk with others two griffons. After few minutes they flew away. Sparx came to wall of cage and activated magnets, tried unclench them, but he can't:    
- Hey, genius! This is STONE, not metal
- Maybe you have better idea fire head?
- Pfff of course I have. Go away  
Vortex takes stone rods and from his hands came out lava and  melted them. He rubs hands:
- Well, who is genius now?: Vortex grinned
- Why you didn't did it earlier and didnt escaped?: asked Sparx and folded arms
Vortex's eyes became bigger and he felt shame:
- Well....I-
-  You are NOT genius!: said Sparx and walks to exit
- You are not genius: mimicked  Vortex With funny voice
He slowlay goes to exit with after Sparx and grumbling. Sparx came out from cave and wind blow him from stones. He started falling, but Vortex grabbed his feet by chain and pulled back:  
- Idiot! Look where you going!: screamed Vortex
- I didn't saw that there is hurricane!
Vortex looks out. He squinted  eye as wind blow to his face. Wind was from top of mountain:
-  We must climb higher. Probably there is element: said Vortex
- Are you sure?
- No, but we must check. So, I put around you my chain and climbing up on stones. We must look, there is element or not
They decided so. Vortex toss chain up and grabbed some higher. Then started slowly up, tight holds wall with claws. He can't see good, because wind blow to his face. Few times he was near to fall. Soon they saw light and wind started calm down:
- You are see something?: screamed to Vortex Sparx thought wind
- Yes. Something like sphere!
In air was sphere, in which was small tornado. From sphere goes 4 wings or spirals:
- I will try grab it with chain!: screamed Vortex
Vortex toss chain to sphere. He didnt saw grab he it or no, but pulled to check. It grabbed something:
- Seems something-
But Vortex didnt finished. Something with huge power pulled them up. After second they up in air and saw, that giant griffon  with green glowing eyes, fluffy orange plumage on chest, dark violet  plumage under wings. Griffon screamed as eagle and free Vortex with Sparx. They though that they will start falling, but here was zone of weightlessness.
Griffon again screamed as eagle and flew to Vortex and Sparx while pilling claws. Vortex avoid left, but Sparx was hurt and he start fall from big hight. But Vortex grabbed his feet with chain and pulled back. Griffon turned and was on one place in air while slowly flapping wings. Vortex flew to him and waved giant fire chain with fire ball on it. Griffon waved tail and creat flying razor plumage which flew to Vortex, but Sparx came and created magno shield. Vortex toss ball on chain with spikes but missed. Griffon avoid from chain and again flew to them from behind, but Sparx shoot at him magno ball and hit griffon's head. Griffon screamed and stay on one place in air.
They fought long time, but was pointless. Finally Vortex and Sparx, stayed back to back and breathed hard thought about attack:
-  Well, it's so fast chicken: said Vortex
-  You dont say: said Sparx
- I have idea
- Run?: smirks Sparx
- Well you can run!: growled Vortex
- Alright, alright. What is it?
- This griffon looks like shadow, I think so.... You have any attack witch have something like  magnifying glass?
- Hmm...I think so: connected magnets answered Sparx
- Then, creat it. I will creat light
-  Shield booster: connected magnets big amplifier, and after it some smaller
- Fire wall!: screamed Vortex and hit fists on ground, fire wall start burn and moved to amplifiers and thought them became stronger and bigger x3. Finally giant flame burned griffon. He screamed as eagle and disappeared:
- Yay!: screamed Vortex and Sparx, gave to each other hight five
Then they flew to sphere of element of air and taken it. After second sphere start glow, and when light gone around was sun and clean sky, fog disappeared.
Soon Sparx and Vortex backed to others. Gibson fixed ships and they flew home. I must say, that Liana and Antauri was so hurt after fight with griffons:
- Hey Sparx, I hope you don't think, that if I saved your butt, we are friends?: asked Vortex
- Pfff of course not!
- Uff I thought....ok great!
They goes away from each other.....
- So, legend about sphere of elements it's true....hmm
Skeleton Emperor sit on throne, looked in scepter on what happened and thought about all....
-  Raven!: he screamed
From deep of castle, to SE flew crow, size as robot monkey. Crow was dark blue sea color and eyes glowed yellow and all time looks serious. He sit on SE's shoulder:
- Yes sir?
- I think, time to mutants meet our dear heroes
Raven nodded and loud croaked:
- When my lord will back in this world, I will start hunt after great sphere, and after that all world will be over my control: said Skeleton Emperor and evilly laughed, and around him in darkness glowed some red eyes....
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